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- News from the Principal
- Parents & Friends
- St Michael's Parents & Friends Annual General Meeting
- St Michael's Athletics Grade 3-6 Champions
- Andrew Chinn Visit
- Student of the Week
- Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF
- 2025 School Savings Bonus (SSB)
- 2025 Sacrament Program
- Education in Faith
- OSH Club
- The Resilience Project Digital Wellbeing for Families Webinar
- Secondhand Uniform Shop
- Munch Lunch
- From the Community
Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers,
Harmony Week is a celebration held annually in March across Australia. It’s aimed at promoting diversity, respect and inclusiveness. This event is an excellent opportunity for parents to teach their children about different cultures, traditions and customs. The goal is to encourage everyone to appreciate and celebrate differences and promote a sense of community and belonging for everyone.
During Harmony Week, there are a number of events and activities held to bring people from different cultures together. These activities include multicultural food festivals, cultural performances, art exhibitions and workshops. Participating in these events helps children to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the diverse communities that make up Australia.
As a parent, you can engage your children in discussions about multiculturalism and encourage them to ask questions. Promoting a more harmonious and inclusive society, can help children grow up with a greater appreciation for the richness and diversity of Australia's cultural landscape.
Change of date for School Closure Day - Pupil Free Day
The school closure day originally occurring on Tuesday 10th June (after the King’s Birthday long weekend) has now moved to Friday 6th June. This is due to a change in circumstances for the staff of St Michael’s to participate in a Professional Learning day with Mr Michael Ymer. This day will be held in conjunction with St Gabriel’s staff and the focus is on “Effective Strategies for Teaching and Learning of Mathematics”.
Please note the change of date in your calendars.
Aerobics Competition - Friday 28th March at 9am.
The dance routine looks amazing and now is the time for the judging competition. You are all warmly invited to remain in the playground at school drop off on Friday 28th March for the final aerobics dance off! Each house team will be scored against a criteria and an overall winner will be announced. The house captains have done a wonderful job teaching the students (and staff) and we look forward to it all coming together next week.
Important Dates - these dates are also located on the school website
- Monday 17th March - 21st March - Dental Van onsite
- Thursday 20th March - Hot Cross Bun Order closes on CDFpay 10pm
- Friday 21st March - Year 3/4 Mass at 9:30am
- Tuesday 25th March - District Athletics
- Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th March - Life Ed visiting the 5/6s
- Thursday 27th March - P&F Annual General Meeting
- Friday 28th March - Aerobics Competition at 9am
- Friday 4th April - Last Day of Term 1pm finish
Hi families it's that time of year again, Our annual hot cross bun fundraiser. Once again we've teamed up with "Missen Link" after nothing but positive response to all the delicious buns supplied. Please remember that for every pack ordered the school receives $2 for funding for upgrades to buildings, sports and music equipment to name a few. This offer is available to anyone you know, so please ask family, friends, grandparents, neighbours, workmates if they are interested in ordering. Order forms will be sent home this week, you then tally up your totals for each variety and order and pay via CDFPay by 10pm Thursday 20/03/25 and pick up will be on the 1/04/25 from the school hall.
Thank you for your continued support.
St Michael’s Parents & Friends Association
St Michael's Parents & Friends Annual General Meeting
Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers,
St Michael’s Parents and Friends Annual General Meeting Invitation
The St Michael’s School Parents and Friends is an important part of the school. The group generates much needed funds which are used to enhance and beautify the school grounds, to purchase playground equipment, furniture and educational programs.
The P&F group meets monthly to coordinate fundraising activities and social gatherings like the Mothers’ and Fathers’ day stalls, hot cross bun fundraisers and pie drives. There are lots of lots of opportunities to be involved – no matter what your interest is, how much time you have to spare or the skills you can offer. All of our children benefit from our fundraising activities, but we require parental support through initiatives such as this group.
The meetings are quite informal and are a good opportunity to hear about developments within the school. Lia (Principal) or Sharon (Deputy Principal) attend each meeting.
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 27th March 2025 at 9:00am in the staffroom. You will be warmly welcomed to join us for a coffee and chat. All roles will be vacated at the AGM and it is vital that passionate people fill them. Please see the attached Nomination Form.
Kind regards,
The Parents and Friends Group
Roles within P&F Committee
The President’s position carries a task of trust and responsibility and requires skill and time. The President should exercise authority with tact, be impartial and open to other points of view. The main role of the President is to:
- Be the main representative/spokesperson for the P&F
- Liaise with the Committee members and set the agenda for meetings
- Be the main contact for agenda items
- Open the meetings punctually and ensure the agenda is followed
- Ensure those present at the meeting have the opportunity to discuss each item on the agenda prior to a decision being made
- Make sure, particularly on contentious matters, as many points of view as possible are expressed
- Make sure everyone is given an opportunity to speak and encourage members to speak by addressing questions to them
- Work towards a collaborative approach with other members of school community
- Be mindful of timelines, keep discussions on track and keep meetings moving
- Be mindful of the role of the Education Board and refer any contentious issues the board for discussion
- Liaising with the school principal in relation to any issues or concerns
- Is a core member of the Parents and Friends Association
Vice President
The Vice President plays an important role by assisting the President with P&F responsibilities such as:
- Replace and chair meetings in the absence of president.
- Is a core member of the Parents and Friends Association
The Secretary is very important to the efficient operation of the P&F. The Secretary will work with the President and Committee members. Duties and Responsibilities include:
- Taking minutes at P&F and Committee meetings
- Photocopying and distributing minutes to Committee members along with agenda approximately one week prior to the next meeting
- In consultation with the Principal and President providing a summary of the matters discussed at the meeting for display on a parents notice board and/or in the school newsletter
- Dealing with any incoming/outgoing correspondence
- Is a core member of the Parents and Friends Association
Assistant Secretary
The Assistant Secretary plays an important role by assisting the Secretary with P&F responsibilities such as:
- Taking minutes at P&F and Committee meetings
- Photocopying and distributing minutes to Committee members along with agenda approximately one week prior to the next meeting
- In consultation with the Principal and President providing a summary of the matters discussed at the meeting for display on a parents notice board and/or in the school newsletter
- Dealing with any incoming/outgoing correspondence
- Is a core member of the Parents and Friends Association
Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer
The Treasurer carries a task of trust and responsibility. Duties and Responsibilities include:
- Taking charge of monies of the P&F
- Keeping accurate financial records of all receipts and expenditure
- Banking all money regularly
- Reporting monthly on the P&F’s financial position at meetings
- Preparing a financial report for the Annual General Meeting
- Is a core member of the Parents and Friends Association
Annual General Meeting Nomination Form
St Michael's Athletics Grade 3-6 Champions
In fourth place, with 191 points, we have Green House—great effort!
In third place, with 205 points, is Gold House—well done, team!
In second place, scoring 243 points, is Blue House—awesome job!
And that means our 2025 St. Michael’s Athletics Carnival Champions are… Red House with an incredible 275 points!
Congratulations, Red House! You worked so hard, and it paid off!
Last week we welcomed Andrew Chinn back into our school. A fabulous day was had by children, staff and parents.
Thank you Andrew Chinn by Branson Flewin and Riley Collins
Firstly, we would like to thank Andrew Chinn for all of his dedication to all schools across Australia. Andrew Chinn is a musical artist who has created multiple meaningful songs, he was a teacher for almost twenty years before moving onto a musical career. He is wonderful and has been to our school many times over the years. He has a great sense of humour and always makes everyone laugh. He has brought joy to hundreds of students and teachers at St Michael’s. Andrew Chinn makes our school an upbeat place where everybody is included and everybody carries a smile. He knows that everybody has a voice and he supports that.
Each week students from each class are awarded Student of the Week certificates. These children are nominated for the example they have been within the school based on the School Wide Expectation focus for that week. The weekly focus will be from Wednesday until Tuesday the following week. Awards will be given out at assembly on Friday.
In Week 8 the School Wide Expectation focus is Learning:
I set high expectations of what I can achieve.
I work hard and always try my best.
I reflect on my own learning and how I can improve.
I can receive and act on feedback.
Kathlyn Jayasooryan | Bodhi Roper | Theo Moretti |
Willow Zotti | Samuel Ubilla | Pearl Beckingham |
Bryden Carmody | Milla Stserbak | Kaila Hamblyn |
Harvey Anderson | Keeley Brown | Dermot Clarke |
Evie Collins | Bobbi Heatherill | Sarah Franklin |
Zoe Zappulla | Hendrix Lear | Cruz Skrypzack |
Harvey Bordonaro | Will Jennings | Sienna Hunter |
2025 School Savings Bonus (SSB)
The School Savings Bonus is a State Government initiative designed to assist families with cost-of-living pressures. Under this funding, each eligible student is entitled to a $400 bonus for application towards activity levies and uniform purchases from approved supplier. Within our school, all CSEF applicants are eligible to receive this funding. All families who have a Centrelink Health Care Card and have not applied for CSEF in the past are encouraged to contact the school office and initiate an application this year. Please refer to the below link for more information:
All 2024 CSEF recipients and new 2025 recipients have received a letter and DOSCEL Funds Allocation Form for SSB via email. Please complete and return the form as soon as possible. If you would prefer to complete a paper copy of the Allocation form they will be available at the office.
On Tuesday 1st April at 6pm there will be a Parent Information night for all families involved in the Sacrament Program this year. This meeting will take place at St Michael’s Church.
The Sacraments are celebrated in the following order and each Sacrament must be celebrated before continuing to the next.
Each Sacrament will begin with a Parent night to learn more before preparation begins.
Please take note of the following celebration dates:
- Baptism (usually celebrated at birth) See flyer in today’s newsletter about a school aged Baptism program about to run in the parish
- Reconciliation (Grade 3 or above) Celebration Date: Tuesday 9th September 2025
- Communion (Grade 4 or above) Celebration Dates : Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd November 2025
- Confirmation (Grade 6 or above) Celebration Dates: Friday 30th May 2025: 6pm
If your child is participating in any of the Sacraments this year please attend the Information Meeting on the 1st April and bring along the completed enrolment forms that have been sent home today via email. If you have any questions please contact Sue Rickwood on
Sunday’s gospel recounts the story of the Transfiguration when Jesus went to the mountain with Peter, John and James to pray. Jesus has asked the disciples who they think he is and Peter has made his confession of faith by declaring that Jesus is the Messiah. This declaration is followed by Jesus teaching about the demands of discipleship and then the account of the Transfiguration. While on the mountain top two men appeared in brilliant light; Moses and Elijah, and discussed with Jesus the events that were about to take place in Jerusalem.
God’s voice from the cloud claims Jesus as his Son, the Chosen One and then goes on to instruct those present – and we, the readers – to ‘Listen to him!’ For the disciples, this was a message not to get carried away with their own ideas about the Messiah but to listen to what Jesus was saying about the suffering he must endure and to what he was saying about true discipleship. Jesus tells us that to be a follower of his involves sacrifice, hardship and often unpopularity. During the season of Lent it is this message we must listen to as much as the promise of salvation.
The Resilience Project Digital Wellbeing for Families Webinar
By the end of the session, parents and carers will:
Understand the latest research on screen time and its impact on individual and collective wellbeing in the home.
Have a list of strategies to enhance their own digital wellbeing as a parent to role model to their children.
Feel equipped to support their child’s device usage without screen shaming, banning or removing device
The second hand uniform shop will be open Thursday 27th March from 3pm-3:20pm. Uniforms can be purchased or you may swap items in reasonable condition for another size or item.
We offer hot lunches weekly on a Monday with Munch Lunch. They are a local company that offer a variety of lunch items.
Ordering is simple, download the Spriggy Schools app via your App Store or Google Play store, select St Michael's School, add your children and their class to the app and place your order! Lunches will then be delivered to school. Orders need to be placed by 9:00am on the day. You can pre order lunches 2 weeks in advance.
Contact: Munch Lunch 0459 220 445 or