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Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers,
On behalf of the staff I would like to thank you for your ongoing support this term as we work together in partnership to do the best we can with your children. We hope you get to spend some time together as a family over the two week break to refresh and rejuvenate and look forward to welcoming you back on the 19th of April.
To celebrate Holy Week at St Michael’s, our very talented Religious Education Leader, Sue Rickwood has put together the following presentation as a reflection for Stations of the Cross that is traditionally celebrated on Good Friday. The images come from “The Stations of the Cross” by the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry for Victoria. The children will get the chance to watch it as a slide show presentation this week.
Jesus, you have been told you must die to take away all our wrongs. Such is your Father’s will. Give us courage in our struggles.
Jesus, you take your heavy cross. It gives you pain. Help all who suffer.
The cross is too heavy and you fall. We fall often, Jesus. Help us to think of your pain.
Jesus, you and Mary suffered so much when you met each other on the road! We think of the sadness and pain that you suffered for us.
Weakness makes you fall to the ground, Jesus.
The pain is great.
How great is your love for every human being, Jesus! Who could ever describe or explain the agony of crucifixion? Only love could do so.
Love demands everything, Jesus. It touches the very centre of our being.
Thinking of us you gave up what we cherish most.
You breathed out your life in love, that we might live.
Mary’s body and your body are one, Jesus. Your life lives on in her body.
Have a happy and healthy holiday break
Kind regards,
from the Parents and Friends Association
Bushie’s Bun-raiser
Thank you to all our families for supporting our school with this incredibly delicious event. We sold an amazing 1257 packets of hot cross buns which is a fantastic effort and a wonderful start to our fundraising year for the school.
A very big thank you goes to all our helpers who made time in their evening and days to help sort, pack and move all the hot cross bun orders to the school. We could not do these things without you and your help is greatly appreciated.
Facebook Page
Thank you to all our new followers on Facebook! It's great to see so many people engaging with the event reminders, information and photos on Facebook. If you haven't already followed our Facebook page, head on over to St Michael's Primary P&F Events Page! This is a great way to keep up to date with school events and information.
Lunch Order Days
Lunch order days will be recommencing in Term 2, dates will be advised as soon as we have them and will be available on the School Calendar.
Dinkleboo Stickers -
Just a friendly reminder that if you have any label requirements or are looking for personalised kids products, our school gets back a percentage of sales when you use our unique coupon code: AFRDB-VZLX-CWMTWC
Easter Raffle
We have had a fantastic response to our Easter Raffle, thank you to everyone who has donated items for prizes and returned their raffle tickets and money. The raffle will be drawn Wednesday the 31st of March at 9am.
On behalf of the St Michael’s Parents and Friends Association we would like to wish our whole school community a safe and Happy Easter. We look forward to seeing you all again in Term 2!
We have a new sign in procedure for signing in to St Michael's. You will notice we have a few QR Code points located in the foyer. You are required to scan the St Michael's QR code and the Government QR code if you visit the school. You can now use your phone to scan the QR code for signing in as a visitor or for a student late arrivals or early departures. Using your phone is preferable to using the ipad to help stop the spread of germs.
Each week students from each class are awarded Student of the Week certificates. These children are nominated for the example they have been within the school based on the School Wide Expectation focus for that week. The weekly focus will be from Wednesday until Tuesday the following week. Awards will be presented to students in class until assemblies can resume.
In Week 9 the School Wide Expectation focus was: Honesty
I always tell the truth.
I am honest when reflecting on my personal performance.
I take responsibility for my actions.
The award winners for Week 9 are:
Scarlett De Ligt | Finn Hourigan | Archer Rowley |
Leopold Notting | Aubrey Ross | Alice Bragger |
Jazmine Murphy | Aurora Buhagiar | Levi Field |
Marlee Williamson | Lachlan Hand | Isabella McIntosh |
Vivienne Crozier | Oliver Sutherland | Callan Van Der Meer |
Tyler Celima | Amber Walker | Chaz Siemens |
Riley Collins | Will Do | Kris Riseley |
Kaila Hamblyn | Daniel Ochieng | Willow Whitwam |
Riley Brady | Kumen Konyi | Tyler Zandona |
Mack Prince | Jaymes Johnstone | Nekeisha Piening |
Sienna Hunter | Clementine Reid | Taylin Moloney |
Anushka Hollingsworth | Zanthe Flewin |
Sunday’s Gospel marks the end of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week, the most important week in the Church year. During Lent we spend time preparing for the death and resurrection of Christ and now, as we enter Holy Week, we need to ask ourselves “Are we ready?” On Palm Sunday, Jesus arrives in Jerusalem riding on a donkey where he was greeted by the crowds as a king. Holy Week gives us the opportunity to focus on Christ’s love and supreme sacrifice. Encourage your children to remember Jesus this week and talk about this that you can do this Easter to celebrate Jesus in your family.