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Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers,
In the press conference on Thursday 17th February the Premier announced that whilst restrictions are easing in a lot of industries, restrictions in schools were not changed apart from signing in with the state government QR code, all the others including density limits, not accessing classrooms, wearing masks and not being able to gather as a school will need to continue for the time being. It was not the news we were hoping for and as a staff we are as disappointed as you, especially as it means spectators are unable to attend Friday’s Athletic sports.
The School Athletics Day is classified as a school event, not a community event, therefore some of the restrictions that have been eased with respect to community sport do not apply. As a school we have to follow the current guidelines, as directed by DOSCEL, to ensure the safety of the school community. As staff we appreciate all that you have been doing in testing your children, keeping them home when sick and not coming into classrooms.
To ensure the safety and health of everyone here at school, the staff are continuing to uphold strict COVID restrictions placed upon them by DOSCEL, as directed by the State Government. This includes not holding staff meetings in person and having to limit who can use our communal staff facilities such as the staff room. All staff are also remaining in their classroom areas during recess and lunch breaks to minimise cross year level gatherings. Further to this, we were disappointed to know that parent teacher interviews were not able to be held face to face. We know that many parents were also disappointed, but again we have to follow the directions provided to us.
Parent teacher interviews will be held today and tomorrow. You will receive a meeting link in PAM, please use this link to join the meeting. It is important you stick to your allocated times, if more time is needed please ask your child's teacher to schedule another time to continue the conversation.
The following article was sent to me via parenting ideas and talks about how to build strong relationships with teachers and I thought it was a very timely article in light of this week's interviews.
Kind regards
Important message about School Fees
Each week students from each class are awarded Student of the Week certificates. These children are nominated for the example they have been within the school based on the School Wide Expectation focus for that week. The weekly focus will be from Wednesday until Tuesday the following week. Awards will be presented to students on Friday in their classrooms.
In Week 4 the School Wide Expectation focus was Learning:
I set high expectations of what I can achieve.
I work hard and always try my best.
I reflect on my own learning and how I can improve.
I can receive and act on feedback.
The award winners for Week 4 are:
Isabella Ketchion | Raiden Buhagiar | Archer Conway |
Boston Shaw | Kaiden Garth | Makayla Atkins |
Janina De Souza-Daw | Sienna Hunter | Hayden Rawson |
Hendrix Lear | Mack Hayes | Joshua Smith |
Gemma Wood | Indee Ross | William McLuckie |
Mila Stserbak | Bentley Leitch | Christopher Keo |
Lily Faithful | Sophie Uren | Amelie Harper |
Lachy Hand | Bethany Ritchie | Ruby Darby |
Lucy Steevens | Ella Van Der Meer | Ryder Johnstone |
Theo Moretti | Tayt Talerico | Chaz Siemens |
Brinlee McNeill | Tofunmi Ayeni | Dante Lourensz |
Nicole Zhou | Olivia Wisewould |
The theme for Sunday’s reading was to love your enemies and to treat them as you wish to be treated. We are called to respect all life (our own, family, neighbours, immigrants etc) and respond to our baptismal vow to try to love others as God loved us. We are to give and forgive - Jesus is the ultimate role model for this. Jesus’ death on the cross shows the extent to which he gave and he then forgave those that put him there when he said “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!” The readings don’t pull any punches. If we say the right thing and then follow up with poor behaviour, then we are a hypocrite. If we point out the flaws of others yet fail to amend our own, then we are a hypocrite. We, as humans, will naturally fail at times. The importance lies in how we handle our failures and how we treat those around us.
Reconciliation 2022