Religious Education

St Michael’s is a school in the Diocese of Sale who uses the recommended curriculum "To Live in Christ Jesus" as its guiding program in Religious Education. This curriculum meets the needs of School, family and communities in evangelising students and helping them realise the beauty, the power and love of faith in Jesus Christ. In schools today a recontextualised and dialogical approach strengthens a systematic, comprehensive, enriched curriculum. In this, the recontextual, dialogue school is to be a community of living faith in Jesus Christ, expressing that faith in open and friendly dialogue with those of other faiths or nonbelief.


St Michael’s Traralgon is part of St Michael’s Parish and as such the children undertake sacramental preparation as part of the Parish based, family centred and school supported program. Children in Grade 3 receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Grade 4 Eucharist and Confirmation is celebrated in Grade 6.


Mass is celebrated at St Michael’s Church each Friday at 9.30am. During each term, two classes plan this celebration Mass and grades from within the level may attend. Whole school Mass is celebrated on numerous occasions during the year such as the beginning of the school year and special feast days, giving Mass and end of year Mass.


Students are engaged in a range of both formal and  informal  prayer experiences as they seek to deepen their relationship with God. All classes begin the day with morning prayer, which the students are encouraged to lead.


St Michael’s Church

33 Kay Street

Traralgon VIc 3844

Ph: 5174 2060

Fax: 5174 2981

Parish Priest: Fr. Aju Varghese

St Michael’s Catholic Parish

Catholic Diocese of Sale