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Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers,
Each morning I am greeted by many students with big smiles and fresh faces; ready to start their school day. But not all mornings are like this. Sometimes, just like us adults, children have rough mornings too. Whether it be due to poor sleep, a busy weekend, they can’t find the socks they prefer, their toast has been cut the wrong way, their hair is not sitting right, the list goes on……….. But sometimes there are other reasons, that as adults we should be listening to. Teachers are often asked “Why is my child like this? What on earth is going on with them? Why can’t they just listen and understand?”
I came across this article on Dr Jason Coulson’s Happy Families website, and found that he too recognises the challenges faced by many parents.
As adults, we have a lot more life experience than children. We’ve seen more, learned more, and faced more challenges. It’s easy to forget what it’s like to see the world through a child’s eyes. Yet when our children feel understood, truly listened to, life works better—for them and for us.
How to Better Understand Your Child’s Perspective
- Remember what it was like to be a child. Think back to your own childhood experiences. What were your fears and worries? What challenges did you face?
- Listen attentively to your child. Pay attention to what they say and how they say it. Try to understand their feelings and point of view.
- Ask questions to gain clarity. Don’t assume you know what they’re thinking or feeling. Ask open-ended questions to encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings.
- Be patient and understanding. Children are still learning and growing. They do not always have the words to express themselves clearly.
- Avoid dismissing their feelings. Even if their worries seem small to you, they are very real to your child.
Sharing Your Perspective in a Helpful Way
- Offer comfort and reassurance. Let your child know that you’re there for them.
- Share your own experiences (in an age-appropriate way). This can help them understand that challenges are a normal part of life and that they can overcome them.
- Help them develop coping strategies. Teach them healthy ways to deal with stress and difficult emotions, such as deep breathing, talking about their feelings, or engaging in physical activity.
By remembering to see the world through your child’s eyes, you can build a stronger connection with them and help them navigate life’s challenges with confidence.
Year 3-6 Athletics Day
This Friday, our Year 3 to Year 6 students will be heading to Davidson Street Sporting Complex to participate in our School Athletics Carnival. Days like these cannot happen without the support of parents and helpers, so we ask if you are able to lend a hand, please reach out. Michelle Coates, Physical Education Teacher and Sports Co-ordinator has been busily preparing for the day. We thank Michelle for the time she has put into the running of the day.
Also on Friday, the Year 1/2 students will be celebrating Mass at 9.30 in our Church. All families are welcome to attend the liturgy.
Sports Uniform supplier issue
We have been advised that the current sports tracksuit pants have been discontinued. There is limited stock available at Lowes, but we do have some in our Second Hand Uniform supplies.
We have endorsed a new tracksuit pant style, along with a matching sports jacket, but there may be a gap in production. In the meantime, Lowes have offered a royal blue fleece alternative that can be worn until production of the new tracksuit pants.
February is a really busy month for many families, so please be kind to yourselves.
Lia DiCorleto
Important Dates - these dates are also located on the school website
- Tuesday 25th February - Open Classroom Afternoon 3.30-5pm
- Friday 28th February - Year 3- 6 Athletics Day
- Friday 28th February - Year 1/2 Mass
- Monday 3rd March - Foundation Learning Workshop for parents
- Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday whole school Mass 11.30am (all families are welcome)
- Friday March 7th - School Closure Day - Staff Professional Development Day
- Tuesday 11th March - School Closure Day - Staff Professional Development Day
- Wednesday 12th March - NAPLAN begins
This week’s gospel challenges us to be forgiving, compassionate and generous in the same way that God expresses abundant love. It challenges us to act against cultural and social expectations. Jesus tells his disciples to love their enemies and to do good to those who hate them. His instruction is contrary to the ‘normal’ way of doing things – and that’s exactly the message Jesus wanted to convey! Rather than a spiteful, vengeful God who keeps score and punishes wrongdoing, Jesus presents a compelling image of a God of unbounded compassion and abundant generosity.
Compassion of God is a very strong theme that runs through the Gospel of Luke. Throughout the gospel, the compassion and mercy of God is emphasised and a defining feature of the gospel is the number of healings and parables that relate to people who were regarded as the outcasts of society. In this gospel, Jesus is the embodiment of God’s compassion. Jesus wants all people to experience first hand the abundant love God holds for them. Today’s gospel passage is a reminder that when we experience God’s compassion we are also called to show it to others.
How can you put into practice the call to ‘love your enemies’ and ‘do good to those who hate you’?
Each week students from each class are awarded Student of the Week certificates. These children are nominated for the example they have been within the school based on the School Wide Expectation focus for that week. The weekly focus will be from Wednesday until Tuesday the following week. Awards will be given out in classrooms.
In Week 4 the School Wide Expectation focus is Resilience:
I view mistakes as a learning opportunity.
I persist through challenges and difficulties in my learning.
Leni Grassons | Molly Davis | Joshua Lia |
Hannah Manning | Alexsandra Skarlartis | Evie Ploegmakers |
Sophie May Bailey | Jack Hill | Cael Booth |
Leopold Notting | Rhys Leiws | Tyler Celima |
Lincoln Milliner | Georgie Harper | Evie Hoggard |
Tessa Jennings | Kyan Hopman | Raiden Buhagiar |
Wednesday 5th March we begin the period of Lent with Ash Wednesday. Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday. Traditionally Shrove Tuesday is a day for preparation when people would indulge in sweet treats before fasting begins, commonly this involved eating pancakes which is why it has become known to some as Pancake Day.
On Tuesday 4th March the Mission Team will be making and selling pancakes at St Michael’s. The funds raised on the day will be used to support Project Compassion.
Pancakes will be available for $1 each. There will be an assortment of toppings available.
Dairy free and Gluten Free pancakes available.
Orders to be placed on CDF by Monday 3rd March at 10pm.
Good News: New CDFpay mobile app available to download
St Michael’s School will be using the new CDFpay mobile app for uniform shop, events, fundraising, and special lunch days at our school from the start of Term 1 2025.
How to register for a new CDFpay account
- Download the CDFpay mobile app on the Apple or Google store, then click ‘Sign up now’.
No app? Register here
- You will not be able to use your existing CDFpay credentials to log in to the new CDFpay mobile app. You will need to follow these steps to create a new CDFpay account (you can use the same email address if desired).
- Register for a new CDFpay account before the start of Term 1 2025 and we will transfer any remaining balance on your account before the end of March 2025.
- Enter and confirm your email address, then click ‘Sign up’.
- Check your email inbox and follow the prompts to complete your account registration (check junk/spam if lost).
After you have registered and entered your child’s details, you can:
- Top up your parent wallet.
- To avoid card surcharges, top up $50 or more using a debit card or bank transfer any value.
- Order and pay in seconds!
Have questions? View CDFpay powered by Flexischools Help & Support for detailed FAQs or chat to the Flexischools Digital Assistant. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please complete the online Contact Form and Flexischools will get back to you directly.
On Wednesday 12th March, Australian religious songwriter and singer, Andrew Chinn, will be visiting our school to share his songs with our children. Andrew’s songs, such as “These Hands”, “Rainbow”, “An African Blessing” and “Rise Up!” are used in classrooms and liturgies around Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada.
During the days the children will participate in workshops with Andrew in their year level. We will conclude the day with a whole school concert. Families are welcome to come along and join us for the concert. The concert will take place in the school hall, at 1:50pm.
Congratulations to the new members of the 2025 Environmental Team. They have been doing a great job of organising the school composting system. As the year goes by their responsibilities will expand to looking after the school vegetable garden beds. The Environmental Team will be presented with their badges at assembly on Friday 14th of March at 1.45pm. All parents are welcome to attend.
The second hand uniform shop will be open this Thursday 27th February from 3pm-3:20pm. Uniforms can be purchased or you may swap items in reasonable condition for another size or item.
2025 School Savings Bonus (SSB)
The School Savings Bonus is a State Government initiative designed to assist families with cost-of-living pressures. Under this funding, each eligible student is entitled to a $400 bonus for application towards activity levies and uniform purchases from approved supplier. Within our school, all CSEF applicants are eligible to receive this funding. All families who have a Centrelink Health Care Card and have not applied for CSEF in the past are encouraged to contact the school office and initiate an application this year. Please refer to the below link for more information:
All 2024 CSEF recipients and new 2025 recipients will receive a letter and DOSCEL Funds Allocation Form for SSB via email. Please complete and return the form as soon as possible, but no later than 28th February 2025. If you would prefer to complete a paper copy of the Allocation form they will be available at the office.
We offer hot lunches weekly on a Monday with Munch Lunch. They are a local company that offer a variety of lunch items.
Ordering is simple, download the Spriggy Schools app via your App Store or Google Play store, select St Michael's School, add your children and their class to the app and place your order! Lunches will then be delivered to school. Orders need to be placed by 9:00am on the day. You can pre order lunches 2 weeks in advance.
Contact: Munch Lunch 0459 220 445 or